Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Urban Planning in Developing Countries
Urban Planning in Developing States Presentation In late mature ages, there has been an expanding association in third universe urban arranging. Over past three decennaries at that spot has been a major movement of China's populace from country to urban parts. As Grubler says: â€Å"Fast urbanization and subsequent land use adjustment had modified biological systems, wrecked natural life home grounds, changed territorial climes and discharged large totals of C into the atmosphere†( Grubler, 1998 ) . At a similar clasp, the metropoliss are growing truly quick yet overlooked the nature of arranging. As an impact, the residents' life quality has dropped rapidly. There is grounds, all things considered, that residents who live in an all around arranged city happen it simple to hold a high felicity degree. For outline, Barcelona's city program stays a standout amongst other hypothetical records known to man even Spain might be going up against significant financial and political difficulties these mature ages. Contrasted and different metropoliss in the improvement states, Barcelona has paid all the more going to on the city clients' perceptual experience and experience, the city contrivers at any point put the clients' inclination premier thus comes the guidelines, that is the reason Barcelona's residents can simple loll their life at that place. On the different manus, residents of the building up nations' metropoliss will be more enthusiastically to propel bliss file. A request starting from these contemplations concerns the best way to design metropoliss or rethink metropoliss of creating states. The endeavor will investigate the urban structure in creating states. It will see how to do the most fit assurance for each third universe states ‘ arranging. It will elucidate why we should pay all the more taking care of this nation. To start with, the endeavor will do a contrasting between the urban plan in created states and that in creating states. Second, the endeavor will talk about how to do a decent program in creating states. Third, the endeavor will investigation the attainability of doing a decent program in creating states. Area 1 Urban arranging in the universeUrban arranging in created statesPlaning used to be a physical endless hypothesis, however for the present, the built up nations' arranging is a hypothesis of open approach and open course. As the fundamental urban structure is finished, what they should make presently is only to keep up updating every nation of a city and increment open commitment. As Potter says: â€Å"By now, numerous states in both the created and creating universe parts embrace the interest for more noteworthy open commitment in arranging, in spite of the fact that in design, many may only compensation it lip service.†( Potter, 2012, p.149 ) In created states, the contrivers play an of import work in the general public. The contrivers ever spend cluster of clasp to comprehend the metropoliss and gauge the advancement of the metropoliss. City resembles a framework and the framework is a confounded entireness, which contains a clump of items and developments. The contrivers in created states will make their best to join them and do them identified with one another. On the different manus, the contrivers are ever happy to tune in to the residents and move up their opinions ; they will join grouping of specific requests and projects to go a far reaching sane pick. For these grounds, the residents in created states are a lot simpler to acquire felicity.Urban arranging in creating statesThe arranging methodology in supposed creating states, similar to China, is drastically not the same as western states. In late mature ages, huge Numberss of teachers returned from abroad passing on back the musings of outsiders, so base on bal ls on to their students. Be that as it may, the urbanization strategy in China is somewhat extraordinary with remote states and we do non hold an ain hypothesis which is appropriate for this situation, the way we are be aftering is duplicating western hypothetical records, that is the reason we have such a great amount of occupations in the present metropoliss. Creating states ever have financially in reverse, the least demanding way to turn monetary framework is to expand the populace. With the developing of populace, numerous occupations will be a lot harder to work out than prior, for example, the connections between people, housing, travel and condition. The contrivers in the greater part of the creating states at any point put total compensations in the primary topographic point and negligence the city client's understanding, they will accept little about the city's in the future. Creating states other than used to interest the create speed and dismissal the nature of a city. Any city's improvement is a long recorded methodology, there must hold a major figure of human progress relics in this strategy. In any case, as this period of urban arranging in China, the vast majority of the authentic and social sights were gravely harmed by our supposed turn of events. When talking about the earth in China, it is other than an enormous activit y. A decent situation is a basic status of city creating. With the inadmissible strategy for program a city, the air quality, H2O quality and other natural quality diminished forcefully in these couple of decennaries. Contrasted and the urban arranging in created states, there is a lack of future possibilities in creating states ‘ urban arranging. Area 2 Instructions to do a fit program in creating states 2.1 What should specialists and contrivers do? The specialists should pay more going to on city arranging than prior. They used to pay too much going to on the monetary framework expanding and about disregarded the city arranging, so they ought to change their head to keep up the harmony between them. The specialists should reinforce the genuineness of urban be aftering which including fortify law requirement, advance the implementation system, better authorization steps and other related advances. During the arranging methodology, the contrivers should set residents to the main topographic point however non total compensations. Natural quality is extremely of import in presents, the contrivers ought to non ignore it in light of the fact that urban arranging is a hypothesis of working the people, and they ought to build up the city without hurt the earth of residents. Urban be aftering ought to mirror the total compensations of the masses, for example, the nation of travel, diversion, clinical consideration, guidance, etc, contri vers must do certain individuals situated. As Silva says: â€Å"Urban contrivers face significant difficulties in the total of informations towards investigating the perpetually changing cultural, monetary and natural conditions in cities.†( Silva, 2010, p.388 ) 2.2 What should residents make? Urban arranging is non a matter of specialists and contrivers, the people ought to other than take an interest in it. The residents of a city should better their quality and have a global situation to pass on help to urban turn of events. In created states, the right hypothesis said that urban arranging is a community oriented technique. At the point when fundamental, open should give equitable advices and supportive recommendations to help the contrivers, ensure the system is come oning. On the different manus, everybody should make their best to ensure the earth and chop down the misuse of assets in the technique of urban turn of events, so as to chop down the power per unit zone of specialists and contrivers. The association between urban areas' clients and contrivers ought to be a co-activity relationship. Segment 3 The possibility of urban arranging in creating states. 3.1 An occurrence examination of Shanghai This section presents an occasion investigation of Shanghai, China ‘s biggest and the greater part of import modern place. Fast mechanical and monetary advancement in China in the course of the last three decennaries has brought about a major relocation from rustic nations to metropoliss, the number of inhabitants in Shanghai was more than twofold and building nation expanded rapidly every piece same as the figure of vehicles. For this ground, it is a really intense work to rethink a city like Shanghai. Since we can non chop down the figure of populace, the solitary way to rethink the city is to oblige the current situation and occur out the fit arrangements. During the past decennaries, Shanghai had spent a colossal figure of cash on the urban foundation contributing ( see Appendix 1 ) . Indeed, even the specialists utilized this segment of fillip to overhaul a group of nations of base contributing, yet it is as yet hard to equilibrate the connections between people, housing, travel and condition. 3.2 Problems and inconveniences The relocation and urbanization is still continue expanding in the metropoliss like Shanghai and we can non ascertain the great beyond. On the off chance that we can develop close to nothing and moderate-sized metropoliss, which have flawless guide, encompass the huge metropoliss, they may pull individuals to go in from the enormous metropoliss. This technique will change the relocation and urbanization propensity, it other than can better the developing and advancement of both enormous metropoliss and different metropoliss. As Pacione says: National mechanical improvement strategy, including the assurance to build pretty much nothing and moderate-sized metropoliss for contributing assignment expectations, has straight influenced the developing and advancement of Shanghai†¦ They infer that the Chinese accomplishment in enormous scope urban transmutation and their achievement in joining the spacial developing of large modern communities is a particular achievement in urban and provincial arranging, which ought to be concentrated intently by contrivers in both the created and the immature states. ( Pacione, 1981, p.26 ) On the different manus, this technique might be futile to China on account of the populace. There has more possibilities in enormous metropoliss, for example, Shanghai, it is genuinely an extreme work to adjust individuals' head to move to littler metropoliss. With a colossal figure of populace and insufficiency
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Evaluate the Influence of Two Major Theories of Ageing on Health and Social Care Service Provision Essay Example
Assess the Influence of Two Major Theories of Aging on Health and Social Care Service Provision Paper Word related Therapy is affected by The Activity Theory since it assists with advancing autonomy. An OT’s run of the mill day would be that they show their patient a self-care task I. e. dressing, preparing or individual cleanliness. They could likewise show their patients remedial exercises, for example, parity, coordination or an arriving at undertaking, or help them with a restorative exercise which assists with improving their adaptability, quality and development. These errands will help the patient in their regular daily existence, making it simpler for them to do the things they need this could be to brush their own teeth, utilize the bathroom without anyone else and even dress themselves with no assistance. An OT truly assists with doing this since they tailor their medicines to every patient they have. This causes the patient to take advantage of the treatment and as opposed to simply get back their developments they had before they in general improve it with the medications. An OT likewise advances exercises since it gets individuals retreat after they’ve had a stroke, ailment or a fall doing the things that they adored and the things that they need to do. This additionally gets individuals mingling again in light of the fact that they are getting making the rounds and not staying cooped up inside their home, so in this manner OT advances social communication just as advancing exercises. Word related Therapy and the Disengagement Theory We will compose a custom article test on Evaluate the Influence of Two Major Theories of Aging on Health and Social Care Service Provision explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Evaluate the Influence of Two Major Theories of Aging on Health and Social Care Service Provision explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Evaluate the Influence of Two Major Theories of Aging on Health and Social Care Service Provision explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Word related Therapy is affected by The Disengagement Theory since individuals with may pull back from society since they feel that they don’t need the treatment or potentially they don’t need it. By them feeling like this they may not go to the medications and therefore, their condition may deteriorate making them remain inside their home. For instance, if a male occupant had a fall and broke his arm he might be hesitant to get any treatment for it since he feels that he hasn’t ever required a specialist previously so he will be fine and it will recuperate. This may bring about his arm getting solid and the developments in his arm might be divided. This could cause him to feel inept and humiliated in light of the fact that he now can’t do things as he did previously, making him need to remain inside and not member in exercises or get-togethers. Care homes and The Disengagement Theory Care homes are impacted by The Disengagement Theory since they permit individuals to pull back from society, they are basically care based and just a couple of exercises are put on in the consideration homes. A few instances of the exercises they may put on are bowls and bands. These exercises may not intrigue all the inhabitants which may make them remain inside as they can’t be tried to descend just to watch or the movement may not suit for their requirements so they will most likely be unable to take an interest in the action, this could cause the occupant to feel moronic, humiliated and desolate as they can’t engage with different occupants. This thusly could make the inhabitant not have any desire to come out of their condo at all since they haven’t engaged with anything previously, they may feel less certain in light of the fact that they don’t know anybody well overall. This may make potential hindrances to social associations between the inhabitants inside the consideration home. Care homes don’t advance autonomy very well either. This is on the grounds that they are predominantly parental figures, anyway this isn’t all consideration homes only the lion's share. They don’t advance autonomy since they would typically give all the consideration, for example, helping inhabitants get dressed, wash them, help them to go to the bathroom and even assistance them to eat. A few occupants may like this since it gives them a simple life however a few inhabitants won’t have quite a bit of a decision in light of their wellbeing or sickness they may have. Care homes and The Activity Theory Care homes are affected by The Activity Theory since some consideration homes, for example, Norah Bellot Court elevate exercises to get the inhabitants in question and moving which permits the staff individuals to evaluate the wellbeing and prosperity of the occupants. Norah Bellot Court is all the more a protected lodging yet I’m going to utilize it for instance. They put on exercises, for example, pool or snooker, bowls, bands, the WII in addition to all the games they may have, book days and film days. You can advise that the inhabitants truly prefer to get included in any event, when their wellbeing or ailment disables them from participating in they despite everything come down to participate and impart the organization to different occupants.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Overview of Astraphobia, a Fear of Thunderstorms
Overview of Astraphobia, a Fear of Thunderstorms Phobias Types Print Overview of Astraphobia, the Fear of Thunderstorms By Lisa Fritscher Lisa Fritscher is a freelance writer and editor with a deep interest in phobias and other mental health topics. Learn about our editorial policy Lisa Fritscher Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on February 23, 2017 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on July 13, 2018 john finney photography/Getty Images More in Phobias Types Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment Storms are natural phenomena that tend to inspire strong emotions in both humans and animals. Some love to watch them, sitting in the doorway or by the window as the thunder and lightning crash all around. Some even choose to go outside, taking what many would consider an unhealthy risk in order to play in the rain. At the opposite extreme, both humans and animals may develop astraphobia, or a fear of thunder and lightning. Symptoms Astraphobia can cause some symptoms that are similar to those of other phobias, as well as some that are unique. Sweating, shaking and crying may occur during a thunderstorm or even just before one begins. You may seek constant reassurance during the storm. Symptoms are often heightened when you are alone. Additionally, many people with astraphobia seek shelter beyond normal protection from the storm. For example, you may hide under the covers or even under the bed. You may go to the basement, an inside room (such as a bathroom) or even a closet. You may close the curtains and attempt to block out the sounds of the storm. Another fairly common symptom is an obsession with weather forecasts. You may find yourself glued to the Weather Channel during the rainy season or tracking storms online. You may develop an inability to go about activities outside your home without first checking the weather reports. In extreme cases, astraphobia can eventually lead to agoraphobia, or fear of leaving your home. Astraphobia in Children Astraphobia is extremely common in children and should not be immediately recognized as a phobia. Since fears are a normal part of development, phobias are not diagnosed in children unless they persist for six months or more. Try to soothe your child’s fears by remaining calm yourself. If you are scared of storms, your child will pick up on your nervousness. Use a combination of reassurance and distraction to help your child cope. Some parents find that a planned rainy day routine, such as popcorn and movies or board games, can help by giving the child something to look forward to. Of course, if the fear is severe and inconsolable, or if it lasts longer than six months, it is important to seek treatment. Over time, a child’s fear of storms could become a full-blown, difficult-to-treat phobia in adulthood. Treatment Cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques are often used in astraphobia treatment. You may be taught soothing messages to repeat during storms, replacing your negative self-talk. You may be taught visualization exercises that you can use to calm your fears. A Word From Verywell While a specific phobia like astraphobia can be distressing and disabling, the good news is that they are treatable. If you are worried you have astraphobia, it is important to consult with a mental health professional as soon as possible so you receive the help you deserve.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Leader, Leadership, And Management - 1430 Words
Leader is a word denoted to people in authority, but are all people in authority truly leaders? This is a common question raised by people around the world. There are different opinions on the subject regarding â€Å"leadership†and â€Å"management†. These two words are expressed and understood differently. Some treat both terms equally using the words irrespectively of the other. There are those who believe there are fundamental differences, but believe an individual may be successful as both leader and manager in a particular role. Others approach these designations as opposites and argue you cannot be a good manager while being a great leader. Ultimately, organizations need leaders to provide vision and managers to make those visions a reality. Let us begin by defining the word leader. Based on a dictionary definition, â€Å"leader†is â€Å"1. A person or thing that leads, 2. It is a guiding or directing head, as of an army, a movement, or a politic al group†. Furthermore, definitions of â€Å"leadership†include â€Å"1. The position or function of a leader, a person who guides or directs a group, 2. Ability to lead, 3. An act or instance of leading; guiding; directing.†Additionally, words synonymous with leadership include command, initiative, and influence. Many definitions delineate the word leadership, but ideally, great leaders influence their peers and followers to become better at who they are, and what they do. In addition, because of the example leaders set, followers willShow MoreRelatedGood Leadership And Management Leaders1424 Words  | 6 PagesSuccess in organizations requires capable leadership and management leaders. Every company, organization, and foundation has a specific goal to reach. The best way to achieve this goal is to have a good leadership and capable management leaders. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Subway International And The Global Fast Food Industry
Subway International and the Global Fast Food Industry Murad H. Yousef BU 502 - Applied Business Research and Communication Skills Southern State University August 21, 2015 Abstract This case study determines the critical success factors used by Subway Restaurants Corporation to expand nationally, which the corporation wants to use also to expand internationally. In addition, this paper describes the competition and the prospect success in Asia-Pacific and Latin America. In general, the fast food industry is discovered with respect to the history and future plans of fast food chain Subway international for expanding and accretion in Asia-Pacific and Latin America, containing the four factors that Subway should use to compete and success in those markets. Each proposed country market has unique cultural and religious requirements should be realized by Subway, as well as the consumption patterns, market trends, and the franchise values which determine from the local traditional fast food compared to the viewpoint of Subway’s healthy alternatives and low expansion costs. Keywords: Subway, factor, competition, expansion. Executive Summary Introduction The success of Subway started in 1965, when Fred Deluca took an advice from family friend Peter Buck, to open a sandwich shop to earn more money and to pay for his education. The first Subway branch opened in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Their target was to open 32 restaurants in ten years,Show MoreRelatedEssay on Subway Sandwich Shops Situation Analysis1647 Words  | 7 PagesSubway Sandwich Shops Situation Analysis Subway Sandwich, as presented in the Case Study presented in the Marketing Management MGT 551 class, is an undisputed market leader in a segment that is â€Å"firmly established as a nationwide food item for which there is plenty of room in all areas†(University of Phoenix, 2008). However, with a growing competition, changing consumer trends and increased product specialization, Subway’s real strategic marketing challenge is to be able to develop and maintainRead MoreSubway Marketing Plan Essay example1404 Words  | 6 PagesSUBWAY MARKETING PLAN 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: SUBWAY (restaurants) is an American fast-food franchise owned by Doctor’s Associates, Inc. Subway was founded by Peter Buck and Fred Deluca, with its first restaurant being set up in Bridgeport, U.S in 1965. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Motivation Essay Free Essays
string(53) " it allows the individual to monitor their progress\." INTRODUCTION Motivation is the process of initiating and directing behaviour based on the persistence of effort to satisfy an individual goal or need (Petri, 1991; Robbins et al, 2000 and Robbins et al, 2001). There are two approaches to understanding motivation, each of which has theories expanding to support the nature of motivation. Content theories focuses on what motivates an individual. We will write a custom essay sample on Motivation Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now In contrast to process theories of motivation which focus on how individual behaviour is motivated. This essay will focus on motivation in an educational context and the importance to provide opportunities and motivation for students. The purpose of this essay is to present a theoretical overview of the key differences between content theories and process theories of motivation. Then a programme developed from a theory to be applied to an undergraduate business course at Monash University. The motivational programme will focus on improving the assessment technique used by lecturers and tutors (â€Å"teachers†) that will motivate and improve undergraduate students learning ability. The aim will be to encourage students to gain a better understanding of the core concepts of business. Assessment in universities needs to be reshaped in order to motivate students. CONTENT THEORIES OF MOTIVATION Content theories are also referred to, as need theories. That is, motivational theories that look at what individual needs motivate and direct behaviour to respond to specific goals. Many early theories from the 1950? s, include Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y and Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory, established core concepts which have helped explain motivation especially in an organisational setting. McClelland’s three needs theory is a more contemporary view on the content theory approach to motivation that focuses on three important needs in work situations. Each theory identifies individual needs in order to understand behaviour. The main factors that underlie this approach is the need to understand that individuals have different needs, and what can be offered in response to these different needs as well as the importance on the external working environment to give individuals the opportunity to satisfy their needs (Robbins et al, 2000, p558). An example of a content theory of motivation is Douglas McGregor theory of the A? A ±A? A µeconomic manA? A ±A? A ¶. He proposed 2 contrasting views of human nature. McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y suggested one negative (Theory X) and one positive (Theory Y) view on human beings. He â€Å"concluded that a manager’s view of the nature of human beings is based on a certain grouping of assumptions and that he or she tends to mould his or her behaviour towards employees according to these assumptions†(Robbins et al, 2001, p199). The negative assumptions were labeled â€Å"Theory X†, which held four dominant assumptions of workers. Workers dislike work and go to great strengths to avoid it. Based on this it is believed that workers need to be punished with tight control systems in order for them to achieve goals. In addition, workers lack responsibility, thus need formal directions from superiors to perform. Such Theory X workers are predominately motivated by lower-order needs according to Maslow’s hierarchy for example they need security. In contrast, â€Å"Theory Y†assumes higher order needs dominate individuals. Thus, Theory Y workers enjoy responsibility where they can exhibit self-direction and self-control. Therefore, in order to motivate workers, mangers need to provide a working environment that provides challenging jobs and minimal formalisation. Applying this to an educational context, it can be assumed that teachers can either have a Theory X or a Theory Y view of students. That is, teachers can view students as A? A ±A? A ·lazy or un-cooperative†(Theory X) OR as â€Å"being clever and work hard†(Theory Y). Teachers that adapt a Theory Y approach, are more likely to be attuned to students’ needs, actively participate with students to increase student skill-development and learning (OECD, 2000). It is important for teachers to become more student-centered. Therefore assessment must â€Å"focus more on student learning outcomes and students’ attitudes about what they are learning and their role in the teaching and learning process†(Carey, Wallace and Carey, 2001). This can be better understood by considering process theories of motivation. Process theories of motivation set out to explain how people choose a course of action they will pursue, not solely on individual needs like content theories. PROCESS THEORIES OF MOTIVATION Despite the fact that content theories of motivation have helped many organisations understand employee motivation, many of their concepts alone do not provide a comprehensive understanding of motivation. Therefore, the introduction of another approach to understanding motivation was brought about. Process theories of motivation attempt to explain the process of arousing behaviour, sustaining and regulating the pattern of behaviour (Ames and Ames, 1989). Theories include goal setting, reinforcement, equity and expectancy theory. â€Å"These theories attempt to explain why people choose to behave in a certain way and the reasons they react as they do†(Robbins et al, 2000, p558). In contrast to content theories of motivation, which looked at what initiates behaviour to satisfy a need, this approach broadens the perspective of motivation. It looks at the underlying reasoning that influence individuals to behave and respond in a certain way. Therefore, motivating students by either punishing them to perform or encouraging self-direction, the goal setting theory, identifies underlying factors that achieve a given behaviour, which is the key to understanding the process approach to motivation. Goal setting theory states that â€Å"specific and difficult goals, with goal feedback, lead to higher performance†(Robbins et al, 2001, p770). That is, work motivation can be increased with goal specific directed behaviour. It also proposes that difficult goals, provided that the individual has accepted them, lead to higher performance than general goals. However, feedback is essential in the achievement of specific and difficult goals â€Å"because feedback helps identify discrepancies between what they have done and what they want to do†(Robbins et al, 2000, p559). In order to gain the performance benefits of specific goals, feedback helps shape the individuals behaviour. Better still, self-generated feedback is a greater motivator as it allows the individual to monitor their progress. You read "Motivation Essay" in category "Essay examples" Robbins et al (2000) suggested that goal setting theory is best suited to cultures were there is a moderate power distance, low in uncertainty avoidance and high in quantity of life like Australia and New Zealand. These ensure a reasonable level of independence amongst individuals and those individuals will not be threatened to take on difficult goals. Also the importance of performance is shared by all. In goal setting theory, â€Å"the characteristics of a goal and attitudes towards it are thought to be influenced by incentives, self-perceptions and the manner in which the goals are set†(Brotherton, 1999, p36). Therefore, in an educational context the teacher and student need to work together to determine behavioural strategies that will lead to performance. End-of course evaluations conducted by Monash University A? A ±A? A ·elicit students’ attitudes about instructors and the role that they play in the teaching/learning process†(Carey, Wallace and Carey, 2001). Such instruments assess students’ motivation for learning and allow for continuous course and program improvement. MOTIVATIONAL PROGRAMME Feedback from end-of course evaluations â€Å"usually prompts an ongoing adaptation of a course to the emerging learning needs of its students†(Panasuk and Leabaron, 1999). It was found that â€Å"students consistently expressed views that new assessment motivated them to work in different ways†(Sambell and McDowell, 1998). The aim in developing motivational programme for undergraduate students will focus on assessment reform applying the goal setting theory. This proposition will encourage students to target specific goals, in hope that it will result in higher performance. The programme will involve students in their evaluation process in order to motivate them to actively participate in their skill-development and improve learning. Every act of assessment gives a message to students about what they should be learning and how they should go about it†(Sambell and McDowell, 1998). The programme will suggest that goals based evaluation criteria will improve students’ motivation in turn achieving a greater level of performance. The programme will focus on behaviour related to undergraduate business students at Monash University. It w ill include a check mark grading system that will be designed around behavioural objectives. The check-mark systems sets a specific standard for document quality, and instructors give a paper a â€Å"check mark†when it meets the standard†(Sorenson, Savage and Hartman, 1993). Students are required to set their own achievement goals, in terms of grades based on their overall subject result. That way they can evaluate their progress toward their goals on their own with each assignment mark. â€Å"This necessitates defining goals for oneself, using self-directed strategies to accomplish these goals, and assessing progress†(Larsen and Thisted, 1999). The programme will involve behavioural objective questionnaires that will identify what the students want to achieve at Monash. This will include long-term goals (degree completion) as well as short-term goals (average subject result e. g. distinction, right down to improving structure of writing). â€Å"Defining tasks in terms of short-term goals can help students to associate effort with success, but of course long-term goals are also needed if students are to become lifelong â€Å"learners†(OECD, 2000, p. 31). It will also involve social objectives (develop a good rapport with teachers). Using behavioural objectives may help students organize and structure†their learning and â€Å"may produce positive attitudes toward learning†(Sorenson, Savage and Hartman, 1993). Also, they outline behavioural objectives of each student, which are associated with goal difficulty. In addition, a student performance evaluation form is to be handed in with each assignment, ou tlining specific goals that the essay is to achieve. For example, good use of relevant and current references, each paragraph systematically links one to the other etc. Also the overall mark the student expects on the assignment based on their effort. From this teachers are to use the check mark system and self-evaluation system to grade the work. It is very important to give feedback, especially in relation to student evaluation forms outlining their objectives. Limited feedback such as â€Å"meaning well done or â€Å"meaning re-consider, needs to be more specific. Effective feedback should provide shorthand comments, throughout the paper and on the marking sheet, clearly clarifying any issues. Such feedback is called evaluative feedback. Evaluative feedback helps the individual understand the performance information by comparing it to standards or to the individual’s own past performance†(Larsen and Thisted, 1999). In addition, it is important to direct them where possible to achieve a higher mark, therefore feedback needs to be constructive. â€Å"Constructive feedback is task-specific and focuses attention on the task†(L arsen and Thisted, 1999). By focusing on the task and â€Å"providing target objectives results in the achievement of more objectives†(Sambell and McDowell, 1998). When students use the check-mark system, they can identify what they must do to achieve higher marks. Obviously, the goal difficulty set by students varies among the constraints of his/her ability. In this programme, it is important to provide specific feedback and include student participation in selecting objectives. In light of this, between the behavioural objectives system, grading method and student outcomes, students should actually be motivated to increase performance under these systems. CONCLUSION The theoretical issues proposed in motivational theories such as the economic man developed by McGregor and the benefits of setting specific and difficult goals are important. The distinction on how they motivate an individual is a major influence on behaviour. Applying motivational theory to an educational context we draw our attention toward skill development, satisfaction and achievement. In developing a motivational programme, the focus was on assessment reform focusing on undergraduate business students at Monash University. Teachers and students need to work together in assessing ones performance. It is believed that â€Å"individuals are mutually motivated to learn when they do not have to fear failure, when they perceive what they are learning as being personally meaningful and relevant and when they are in respectful and supportive relationships with teachers†(OECD, 2000, p29). Therefore, by using a goal setting approach to motivate students, student participation in selection of objectives in as â€Å"research on the motivational value of goals, both the check-mark and behavioural/performance objective systems seem to motivate students to improve performance†(Sorenson, Savage and Hartman, 1993). However, with today’s rapid change and emergence of new knowledge and theory, universities will have more concepts on which to build and develop on â€Å"motivating the school’s participants so as to obtain the best possible educational results†(Panasuk and Lebaron, 1999). http://www. writing-expert. com/blog/sample-essays/essay-on-motivation. html How to cite Motivation Essay, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Practice of Cash Converters and its Impact
Question: Discuss about the Practice of Cash Converters and its Impact. Answer: Introduction In the current scenario, financial institutions including money exchanger plays a very important role in easy running of day to day life of an individual. In order to meet any requirements either of the business or of the daily needs, every person and every organization requires the funds. These funds are obtained through these financial institutions by having the credit appraisal from the respective financial institutions and then according to the score and eligibility the fund is granted along with the schedule of repayment. In the given case study, the class action filed by customers against Cash Converters International Limited, being the renowned company for providing cash advance and cash loans, is discussed and its impact in terms of financial on the company itself and socially and ethically towards the stakeholders have been discussed. This is the very objective of the study and in order to make the study attractive the report has been bifurcated in different parts and therea fter the conclusion has been given. Class Action and Ethics in Practice Class Action is the term used to define the action taken by the group of people against some unjust done to them. In the given case, the class action has been taken by the group of people who have availed the services of the Cash Converters International Limited. The company is registered in Australia in the early eighties and since then has been engaged in the business of providing the cash loans and cash advances to the customers. Cash Converters International Limited main business is of franchising and has been one of the old franchisor in Australia (Cash Converters Webiste, 2016). Through the franchisees the cash loans and advances are given after appraising the financial documents and creditworthiness of the borrower. The main requirement is that the borrower should have the Australian Resident ship card. Being the company listed in the Australian Stock exchange, the customers have the view that the functioning of the company is very much true and fair and will not involve the c ustomers in any circumstances or any habit which is not ethical or which is against the prevailing norms of the business. But their views were wrong. In Actual the practice of the company to extent was not feasible. Some circumstances has happened which has led them to file Class Action. Class Action documented in Annual Report In the annual report of the company for the year ending 2015, the class action has been documented (Cash Converters Webiste, 2016). The main reason is the practice followed by the company. Company gives advance and loans to the borrowers as per result of their bank statement and income statement. All these loans are short term and not more than twelve months. They charges fees and pay the net amount to the borrower. In addition to this they have easily avoided the interest rate cap of forty eight percent and have charged the interest rates as up to six hundred and thirty three percent (Knaus, 2017). Also the fees that they have deducted from the loan amount as Establishment Fees gets included in the repayment schedule and very deceitfully gets the forged documents signed from the customer. This has been noticed by the customers at the very last stage when their earnings are going directly in the repayment of loan and they are having the cash crunch. This has led the customers to file suit against them for and on behalf of 37000 customers as Class Action. The customers belong to the period from 2009 to 2013 (Mauris, 2017). Ethics in Practice Ethics are defined as the set of standards for conduct for humans or organization which basically monitors and directs the behavior of the human or an organization. Ethics in business are thus defined as the standards that monitor and direct the behavior in doing business (Darus, 2015). In the given case study, Cash Converters International Limited have deliberately and knowingly that the act is not lawful have get the documents signed from the customers and have charged higher interest rates. Faced by the cash crunch and long due repayments, even then the customers are receiving the text message and e mail from the company stating the amount available for loan or advance. This has further led the customers to associate with the practice of Gambling or speculation. Borrowers in the view of repaying the loans avails higher amount of loan and thus the amount of principal gets increased and thereby the amount of interest gets high as much as not comparable. Therefore , the practice followed by the company is totally unethical as also mentioned in the theory of Consequential Ethics as the correctness of the act is solely determined by the consequence generated out of it. Thus, the practice is unethical which has led to class action and also the documentation in the Annual Report. Every organization will have the goodwill in terms of monetary as well non monetary terms if it follows ethics in business and have system of good corporate governance in place. On the other hand the company which have indulge its functions in an unethical practice and even violated the laws to higher extent then its repercussions will not only reflected in the financial terms but also in the non financial terms. The major financial impact has been noticed and observed in the annual report for the financial year ending 2015. It is the year in which the fact of class action has been mentioned. The practice that has led to such situations has been followed by the company from 2009 to the year 2013 (Cash Converters Webiste, 2016).. The company has the following in terms of the financial impact: The Net profit of the company has been relatively decreased by one hundred and eighty eight percent in the year ending 2015 as compared to the year ending 2014 (Cash Converters Webiste, 2016).. The profitability has been decreased mainly due to the fact that the settlement made in the class action comes out with twenty three million dollar which has been recognized as an expense in the Statement of Profit and Loss Account and has been correspondingly recognized as Liability in the Balance Sheet (Chettle, 2015). Earnings per share have been greatly decreased due the decrease in the Net Profit attributable to the shareholders of the company (Cash Converters Webiste, 2016).. This has further reduced the interest of the investors to invest in the company as the shareholders wealth has been greatly decreased. Thus, share price of the company has also been decreased. Cash Flows have the positive impact in the year 2015. The cash flows generated through the three activities namely investment, operating and financing have positive results and shows that the company is still cash rich company (Cash Converters Webiste, 2016). But on the other hand the cash flow position has been hampered due to the repayment of the different borrowers in the next year. Due to which the bank who has extended the credit facilities has taken their amount back being in a position of getting it as Non Performing Assets. Social Responsibility and Sustainability Corporate Social Responsibility is regarded as significant term in the todays era. It not only takes into account the growth and profitability of an organization but also considers the various interests of the society and the relevant environment. This consideration towards the society and the environment includes the effect of the activities and working of the organization towards the stakeholders, shareholders, customers, employees and all others. Corporate Sustainability is the term which is closely linked with the term of Corporate Social Responsibility. Corporate Sustainability is very broader in terms and is defined as the processes that balance the requirement of profit motive with the protection of environment and equitable distribution of resources in the Society. Both the concept being interchangeable shall be incorporated by every organization to ensure the ethic and corporate governance in system (Cocris, 2010). In general, the financial institutions shall have the policy documenting the social responsibility. It includes moral responsibility of the companies and employees, compliance with the statutory compliance, fulfilling the daily needs and requirements of the changing world and most importantly the management of these activities. In the given case study, Cash Converters being financial institution have followed and practiced the business of franchising but have deviated from these two concepts. The concepts major emphasis is on the stakeholders including the customers of the organization. The company has not considered its responsibility towards the society and environment rather has treated it as medium for earning profits by any means including cheating. Therefore, neither the company has followed neither the concept of corporate social responsibility nor the concept of sustainability and thus has led to the situation of class action. Conclusion Financial Institutions help every individual, company or any other person to meet their needs depending upon their profile. Cash Converters International Limited being well known company has been in the business of franchising since 1984 and is engaged in providing loans and advances to the prospective borrowers. Over the time the practice followed by the company has initiated the sense of gambling among the borrowers and which has ended up with the class action filed against the company. Due to this, the financial position and performance of the company has deteriorated. This has further thrown light on the non incorporation of corporate social responsibility and sustainability. Thus, to conclude every company shall have ethics in all functions of the organization. Reference Cash Converters Website, (2016), Annual Reports available on accessed on 11-04-2017. Knaus C, (2017), Cash Converters Profits Dive after move to stamp out high fee pay day loans, available at accessed on 12-04-2017. Mauris, (2017), Cash Converters Class Action in Queensland, available on accessed on 12-04-2017. Chettle N, (2015), Cash Converters to refund thousands of people for charging up to 633% interest in loans, available on accessed on 12-04-2017. Darus F, (2015), Ethical and Social Responsibility of Financial Institutions : Influence of Internal and External Pressure, available on accessed on 12-04-2017. Cocris V, (2010), Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability in Romanian Commercial Banks, available on accessed on 11-04-2017.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Adventure Essays - Abraham Lincoln, , Term Papers
Adventure Adventure As I walked into the building I felt my heart pulsating in my chest. My body temperature rose until my face was flushed and my hands were cold. My whole body shook as in an earthquake. I could feel my heartbeat travel all the way down to my feet. I told myself to pull it together. In five hours this would all be over. As I walked I seemed to draw the attention of strange people. They sized me up and down and led me down a long hallway, up some old wooden stairs and into a room. They told me to wait there until someone came to get me. I looked around. There were barren walls and tables covered with papers. Chairs were stacked against the wall and I noticed another doorway. Afraid of what I might find, I quietly sat down. I waited 20 minutes until a frazzled women came running up the stairs. She smiled and said she was very excited to see me. I smiled back and felt a sigh of relief. All the pressures and tension that had built up in my body seemed to float away. She was extremely nice and told me I would fit right in. She told me to go downstairs and start right away. With the confidence she gave me, I felt I could conquer the world. I knew I had the skills and the personality to do a good job. As I rounded the comer to see where I would be, I stared in awe. Shiny glass objects and all the candies in the world were placed neatly on the counter. Naive, I didn't realize people were laughing at my excitement. They knew exactly what I was getting into. Just then I heard a high screaming voice. I looked around and saw a little red-haired boy crying and pointing at me. The whole store turned and stared at me. I was scared and confused, and wondered why such a small boy was even screaming at me. I never did anything to him; I didn't even know him. I tried to figure out what the boy was saying by reading his lips. They quivered as they spoke in a shaky voice. Finally I figured out what he was saying ... Lollipop. That was the first of many adventures as I sold candy at the Marlborough Country Barn. I was excited because it was my very first job, but that excitement was quickly replaced with the screams and cries of little children begging their parents to buy them candy, or the mad rush of cleats running over to my small counter to decide what candy they wanted as a reward for winning that afternoon's soccer game. No matter what I faced with little children, I still went to work and put up with them. Now I quietly snicker every time I see a new candy girl at the Barn. Links Hypertext or hypermedia objects that, once selected, will connect ou to related documents or ther areas of nterest. Login Aprocess by which you gain access to computer by givnig it our username ane password netiquette The network equivalent of respectfulness and civility in dealing w/ people and organizations. Network Agroup of computers(two or more)that are connected to one another through variousmeans, usually cable or dial-in Acceptance Essays
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Contradictions of Life in the Mafia essays
Contradictions of Life in the Mafia essays In the late 1800s, a collective group of people have decided to establish a second government within the United States. This certain group of people originated from different parts of Italy, and tried to duplicate the Mafia. Throughout the years, the word Mafia lost its meaning. It is now lightly used as a general term to refer to crime organizations. Although a lot of people would debate that the Mafia is nothing more than a criminal organization, a look in the past would prove otherwise. In a certain part of Italy, particularly Sicily, people have a strong sense of family and friendship. During the middle ages, Sicily was invaded by various foreigners. The consecutive foreign rule estranged the islands own populace. This in turn, discouraged the Sicilians to trust the government. The strong bond of family and friendship then laid the foundation for a secret organization, a secret organization that intended to overthrow the foreign conqueror. This secret organization drew its member s from private armies, or mafie, that were originally hired by landlords to protect their estates from bandits. The core of this organization was the code of omerta, the code of silence. The code forbade anyone to approach the government for justice and help the legal authorities in anyway. Disputes were settled privately, and the victims reserved the right to avenge any offense committed to their family. No one was allowed to cooperate with the government, anyone who did was considered dishonorable. Overtime, the Mafia became the only form of authority recognized by the Sicilian people. When immigrants from Italy moved into the United States, they were not exactly welcomed with open arms. There was a lot of prejudice against them, and once again they turn to the Mafia for protection and help. The Mafia would resolve conflicts that the Italians had with other parties. Most of the time, if not all the time, resolving conflicts oft...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
On the sources of international investment law Essay
On the sources of international investment law - Essay Example And it is in this course that we are to understand economic movements in China today. The "People's Republic of China (PRC) is the world's largest market, with a population of 1.3 billion people and an area about 9,600,000 square kilometers in the southeastern Eurasian continent." 2 Being such, it is no wonder that foreign investors are really gunning to do business with her. Thus, the 1978 Third Plenum of the Eleventh Party Central Committee that discarded the slogan "Take class struggle as the key link" and in its place embraced a shift to socialist modernization that entailed "economic and technical cooperation with other countries"3 has been welcomed with great enthusiasm by foreign investors. In fact, this " open door policy has been successful in attracting foreign direct investment (fdi)"4 thereby, making China a "new economic power"5 to reckon with. And everything is no easy task. ... "Hong Kong provides nearly "60 percent of cumulative FDI, its precise contribution is complicated by round tripping and the routing of FDI from many other countries via Hong Kong, especially overseas Chinese from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South East Asia. Being such, the important role of Hong Kong in the international trade and foreign investments of China is something that cannot be relegated in the periphery of the economic reforms and development of China. The status of international trade in China is a result of China's embarking on liberalization coupled with reforms in exchange rates and prices plus decentralization of power. These reforms are made feasible because the government of China has seen that some socialist principles are no longer suitable in meeting the needs of the people. In fact, the restructuring that the Chinese government is working on is geared towards creating a more viable Chinese economy that has for its aim satisfying peoples needs. But all of these arrived only after China has seen the factors that lead her to her own stagnation in terms of economic development. Eight points6 are raised as the root causes of China's economic retardation. And these are first is the blind adherence to high targets in production and construction with out properly attending to economic results. Second, is the investment on heavy industry so much so that agriculture and light industries are relegated to the periphery of the econom y. Third is the focus on new enterprises and capitals while existing enterprises are given minimal support and attention. Fourth, is overemphasis on the output of primary and intermediate products instead of giving attention to production of
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Microsoft Access Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Microsoft Access - Essay Example The reports in Microsoft access give a comprehensive summary of the information contained in the database (Viescas 39). The reports act as a knowledge management system, which provides answers to problems. Queries help with the filtration of data in order for a user to obtain the information required on an ad hoc basis. The quick Access toolbar provides three options including redo, undoing, and saving option, which assist the user to navigate. The customization button, which is on the right side of the access bar, is usually in a disabled mode when there is no database needed. Even so, the button should be clicked when a database is needed. The button helps the application user decide the appropriate items to display on the interface (Viescas 69). The addition and elimination function of buttons on the quick access toolbar is performed by the customize button. A command is added by clicking on the middle list of the customize button. After that, the user should swiftly click on the Add option. The command is completed by clicking on the OK
Monday, January 27, 2020
Friendship In Fried Green Tomatoes
Friendship In Fried Green Tomatoes Friendship is the relationship between two or more more people who trust, have faith and are concerned with the welfare of each other.Relationship involves intimacy and mutual care for one another.A good friend has the responsibility of accepting good and bad qualities of his friends and one who is ready to help his friend in changing bad traits.Friends should love each other and have faith in whatever their friends tell them.Friendship has to do with undertsnding and caring for one another.A relationship based on this qualities makes friends to have a good feeling and smile because of the love and care which is given to him.In some cases people do not remain to be friends for a long period of time for instance when people disagree with each other and seize to be friends. When making friends people should be careful because all friends may not be good. Some friends will only be for you during the times of happiness but they run away when problems arises.These are not good friends bec ause you cannot depend on them.Good friends will always sacrifice to be with you during good and bad moments of your life and they will understand your strong and weakpoints (Fanny 10). Having friends is a very important aspect in life. One may have all the necessities needed in life like money, good house, clothing but still friends are needed. Human beings are depend on one another and they can not survive all alone.There are some things that other people must do for you and therefore its very important to have people around you.If for example one gets sick, he/she will need other people to take them to the hospital making friends very important to the lives of individuals.Friendship is therefore something which all people should have in order to have peace of mind (Fanny 15). There are different kinds of friendships for example friendship based on utility. In this kind of friendship, people become friends so that they can benefit personally. For example people who come together and start a business.They do not spend most of their times together and they may not like each other.A very common form of friendship is one which is based on pleasure.This is a friendship between two people with the aim of gaining pleasure from one another.This kind of friendship occurs mainly between people of different sexes who have love and affection for one another.The main aimof this friendshilp is compabnionship and these people may end up marrying one another. Being a very important aspect of life, i will discuss friendship in the movie Fried Green Tomatoes basing my arguiment on one relationship. Fried Green Tomatoes was a novel written in 1987 by Fannie Flagg which later came to be adaptedas a movie in 1991.It was a commedy drama which was based on the novel and it was lreleased in the United States bearing the full name of the novel.The film was directed by Jon Avnet and written by Fannie Flaggin conjunction with Carol Sobieki. The film is about of twowomen Ruth and Idgie at a time when they have difficulties in their friendships.There is also another friendshipwhich ekxisted in 1980s between Evelyn a woman of a middle age and Ninny an old woman.Ninny knew ruth and Idgie.The story dwells much on the murder of ruths husb,and who was abusive and the accusations which came after he was murdered. The film received two academy awards and critics of film were positive in the poem.The people who were making the view criticized it because the group which reviewed the book ignored the contents about lesbian (Fanny 28). The film begins with Evelyn Couch a house wife aged around 40 years who mwas timid and unhappy coming in to contact with Ninny Threadgoode in a Birminghamfond in a nursing home called Alabama. Ninny and Evelyn visit each other several times during which Evelyn tells her about a town in Alabama called Whistle Stop which had been occupied by people sometimes back but they had moved from that place (Fanny 30). She tells her stories of people who used to occupy that town.She begins the story by telling about Idgie Threadgoode the youngest of her children but who during her description is reffered to as her sister in law.Idgie had a brother who was a good friend of him but he died through an accident by a train.After the death of his brother whoi meant alot to his life, he moved away from his society where he spend most of his childhood and adolescent stages. She stayed away from his family until Ruth Jamison the former girlfriend of his brother is requested by his family to intervene so that they can become friends. She refused to befriend Ruth in the first stages but after some time she found a space in her heart to have feelings for her.Frank Bennette befriends Ruth and marries her after which they moved fromWhistle Stop town and settles in Valdosta, Georgia. The act of Ruth getting married annoyed Idigie because she lost her friend .It was a hard task for her to forget ruth but she tried hard to forget her. She later paid a visit to Ruth who was already carrying a baby but her husband Frank abused her.Idgie pleads with Ruth to leave her husband and accompany her back to Whistle Stop.Ruth accepted but Frank was against the idea.It is at Whistle Stop that Ruth gave birth to a baby named Buddy Jr. Idgie was given money to open a business so that she can cater for the needs of Ruth and her baby. Ruth and Idgie opened a cafe at Whistle Stop Town called Whistle Stop Cafe. They employed Sipsey and Big George her son as cooks.These cooks made barbeque which became popul ar with their patrons within a short period of time. Frank paid a visit to Whistle Stop town with the aim of kidnapping Buddy Jr. But he was killed by an assailant who was not recognized. For some time frank could not be found and his car was found at the bottom of a sea around the town.Idgie is suspected to be responsible of Franks death because she had threatened him publicly because of beating her friend Ruth. Idgie and Big George were arrested as suspects for the murder of Frank (Fanny 38). The police wanted torelease her and pin the crime to Big George alone but she refused to betray her friend.The judge during the trial says that the two clients were not aware of the diappearance of Frak because had had gone on a three day journey but it was a lie.In addition to that he says that Frank was always drunk and his death cloud have resulted from an accident.Idgie and her friend are cleared of the charges and released.Ruth died soon after the trial as a result of cancer.The Cafe closed after Ruth died and many people who stayed in Whis tle Stop migrated to other places.That is the way Ninny ended her story to Evelyne without revealing to her what really caused the death of Frank. Franks death came accidentallly because he was killed by Sipsey with a cast iron skillet in an effort to prevent him from kidnapping Buddy Jr.The body was then taken by Big George and he berbecued it while the body was burried by his mother in the garden of Mrs.Threadgoode. Ninny stayed in the nursing home temporary because her house had been condemned and torn away.When Ninny became aware of what had happenegd to her she decided to welcome her and give her a room in her own house since they had already became good friends. Ninny accepted accepted to stay with Evelyne.On their way from Ninnys former home, they passed through the grave of Ruth which was decorated with flowers and on top of it was a card bearing the writings à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Bee Charmerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ the nickname she was given by Idigie. After the death of Mrs Threadgroode, Evelyne got a letter from a neighbour of Mrs. Threadgoode inviting her for a visit (Fanny 40). She went to visit her grave carrying pink flowers.She found a note on Ruths grave fron Idgie which had not taken long after visiting the grave of Mrs. Threadgoode. Finally Idgie is found to be stillliving selling honey on a satnd which is near a road. There are many themes in this film. For example the theme of food is highly elaborated. In the cafe where Sipsey and her son cooked they prepared barbecue which became popular to many people. Rth and Idgie sold food for the blacks through the back doors at a reduced rate.When Frank died, his body is said to have been barbecued by Big George and served to the people. Food is a very important aspect such that human beings are also eaten.The film portrays lesbianism in the sense that when Buddy the brother to Idgie died, she was encouraged by her family to befriend her (Fanny 45). This is a clear indication that the society encourages lesbianism.Women are mistreated by men according to this novel.When we look at Evelyne,she was unhappy with her marriage because her husband had ignored her.The same case applies to Ruth who was abused by Frank her husband.Another theme in the film is death. So many people have died in the film. To begin with, Buddy the boyfriend to Ruth was hit by a train and he died. Frank was bitten by Sipsey with a cast iron skillet in an attempt to prevent him from kidnapping Buddy Jr. which caused his death. Ruth died as a result of cancer while Mrs. Threadgoode is also said to have died and burried in the same place with Ruth. The death of all these characters makes death a major theme in this film. The other theme and among the most important is the theme of friendship. According to the film, we have a series of friendships.To start with Mrs. Threadgoodes became a very good friend of Evelyne after they came in to contact with each other for a period of time.Through the story which Threadgoode gave to Evelyne, she was encouraged by the character of Idgie thus influencing her positively in her ways of living .Buddy and Ruth were also friends. According to the film, Ruth was Buddyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s girl friend but the relationship ended when he died as a result of an accident.Buddy was also a friend to his sister Idgie.When Buddy passed away, her sister was so much affected an indication that the two people were very good friends with each other.Ruth befriended Frank who married her but later started abusing her. Idgie was offended by the marriage because she lost her friend Ruth to Frank.She was so much attached to Ruth because even after Ruth married Frank, she took a long time to forget her. All the above are friendships portrayed in the film. In my paper i will discuss the relationship between Ruth and Idgie (Fanny 56). According to this book friendship is defined as a relationship which is different fromothers.Friends volunatariry come together.Frindships are different fromother relationships like marriage relationships which are based on institutions and established laws. Friends are not governed by laws and there is no standard way through which friends should interact.Friendships have some qualities like emtional closeness.Some people become friends so that they can be emotionally close.Emotional love comes as a result of spending time together, talking and going through experiences together.Issues of gender and sex however have impacts on the way people express their emotions towards their friends.Some people get close to their friends through dialogue.As for women,the best way to maintain social closeness is through listening and talking.Through talking with one another people can understand lives of other people.Through dialogue friends can become emotionally close. Ruth and Idgie must have t alked together during the time they stayed together.Another way through which people can become emotionally close is through doing things (Wood 253). When people do things together and they perform duties for one another, they become close to each other.Looking at the relationship between Ruth and Idgie they did their things together.They opened a cafe where they helped one another. The two people participated in all the activities in the cafe.Through sharing of the duties, these people became close to each other.Another quality is acceptance.Each and every person wants to be accepted by his/her friends.We all have our strong and weak points and we expect our friends to appreciate us the way we are. People try their level best to ensure that they impress people who are knew to them. Ruth was wrong when she agreed to marry Frank and leave behind her friend Idgie who loved her very much.However we can say that both of the two characters accepted and appreciated each other based on the way they conducted themselves. Idgie even offered to take good care of Ruth and her child because she had accepted her as a friend. Friends should trust each other.We should trust our friends that we can relie on them.We should also trust their words in the sense that they will do what they say.Trust also means being sure that the friends that we have cares for our welfare.Idgie was a trustful friend of Ruth because she was very much concerned with her welfare.When she found that Frank was abusing Ruth through beating her, she took her and offered to care of her and the pregnancy until she gave birth.This shows how much she cared about her.In addition, she threatened Frank in the public because of abusing her friend which is a risk to her because she was later suspected to be responsible for his death and was jailed (Wood 258). Friends should support each other both in words and financially.Support includes telling your friends that you love them.Another way of suporting our friends is through being available and helping them in times of difficulties.Its clear from the film that Idgie was always there for Ruth an d she sacrificed her time and money in helping her and the baby.Its true to ssay that the relationship between these people was based on good characteristics of a friendship.Even after the death of Ruth we can see Idgie visiting her grave an indication that she was a very influential person in her life. Sometimes friendships come to an end because of several reasons.Friendships can come to an end when people disagree on some issues or when as a result of separation.Friendship can seize if people who are friends stop coming into contact with each other the way they used to do.Education and employment are some of the factors which can make people stop being friends when they move far away from each other.Many friendships however do not end umbruptly. They fade slowly by slowly until the friendship comes to an end (Wood 260). When friendship comes to an end, people will change their mode of communication. People who used to spend alot of time with others do not see the need of spending time with them.Words like I do not have time for you may be heard from people who used to be very good friends.Ruth accepted to leave Idgie who had been her friend because she had seen another friend Frank. This is how their relationship came to an end even though they later agreed on each other and star ted staying together. In most cases friends do not always lead a smooth life. They are also subjected to pressures from internal and also from external just like other relationships of human beings.Internal tensions arise from an individual and the interactions he/she is involved in.Pressure can arise in a friendship if the parties have different needs.If what i need in not what my friend needs then we are likely to differ (Wood 265).Communication also affects friendships especially in a case where th parties come from different cultural backgrounds and do not understand each other.For instance some societies no not circumcize their males while most of the societies do.This differences can be a problem in a friendship.Sexual attraction can also pause a problem in the case where friends have decided not to have sexual intercourse but one of them is not abiding to what they said. Friendships are also affected by external pressures.Human beings change from time to throughout their life.The same thing applies to friends.Whenever one moves from one place like schools,colleges, to another they make new friends.Since people make friends with people they meet frequently, they are likely to forget old friends.Geographic distance also affects friendship.When people migrate from one place to another they will make new friends there.However technology has made it easy for people far away from each other to continue with their communication through emailing and face book thus maintaining their friendship. Friendship is a very important aspect of life as portrayed in the film because through friends we can achieve what we may not achieve alone (Wood 268). Work Cited Flagg, Fanny. Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe Audio Download. London: Little, Brown Book Group Limited, 2007. Wood, Julia. Interpersonal communication: everyday encounters. 6th edition. Wadsworth: Boston, 2010.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Essay -- Sexual Harassment, Womens
Sexual harassment is a violation of women's rights and a prohibited form of violence against women in many countries. Sexually harassing conduct causes devastating physical and psychological injuries to a large percentage of women in workplaces around the world. Harassment directed against women in the workplace by their supervisors, fellow employees, or third parties interferes with the integration of women in the workforce, reinforces the subordination of women to men in society, violates women's dignity and creates a health and safety hazard at work. Women's advocates around the world work to further women’s right to be free from sexual harassment. Critical to these efforts to combat sexual harassment has been the growing recognition of sexual harassment as a form of violence against women which violates women's human rights. States are obligated under international law to take effective steps to protect women from violence and to hold harassers and/or their employers accountable for sexual harassment in the workplace. The prohibition of sexual harassment in the workplace is closely linked with theories relating to the subordination of women to men that were first introduced in the United States in the 1970s. These theories associated sexual harassment with violence against women, the perpetuation of gender stereotypes and the assertion of economic power over women, all phenomena which serve to subordinate women to men. In general, the role sexual harassment is believed to play in the subordination of women in society has led many countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Japan and South Africa, to recognize sexual harassment as an actionable form of sex discrimination. Over time, howe... ...orris, N. M. (1985). Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 10. Sobel, M. E., & Leinhard, S. (Ed.) (1982). Sociological methodology 1982. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association. 11. Swearer, S. M., Espelage, D. L., & Napolitano, S. A. (2009). Bullying prevention and interventions: Realistic strategies for schools. New York, NY: Guilford Press. 12. Touchette, E., Henegrar, A., Godart, N. T., Pryor, L., Falssard, B., Tremblay, R. E., & Cote, S. M. (2011). Psychiatry Research. 13. Willett, J. B., & Sayer, A. G. (1994). Psychological Bulletin. 14. Woodside, D. B., Garfinkel, P. E., Lin, E., Goering, P., & Kaplan, A. S. (2001). American Journal of Psychiatry. 15. Zurbriggen, E. L., Collins, R. L., Lamb, S., Roberts, T., Tolman, D. L., Ward, L. M., & Blake, J. (2007). Report of the APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Intel Branding Strategy Case
The University of IOWA Tipple School of Management IMBA Program – Intake 6 Prepared By Group 2: Kimmy Wong Diana Hung Mike Yeh Ken Wan Date: 18/07/2009 1. Was the Intel Inside campaign worth it ? What were its strengths and weaknesses? The unfavorable judgment against Intel â€Å"386†trademark in 1991 indicated that any competitor could market its product using the same marks, numerical sequencing, used by Intel. To differentiate from competitors and solve the problem of market confusion among the product offerings, Intel developed an alternative branding strategy by focusing on building the company’s brand image instead of product-based brand strategy. Under the new branding strategy, Intel was established as a brand, a reliable and premium brand, ably transferring the equity of â€Å"386†and â€Å"486†microprocessor to Intel, the company and to distinguish Intel products and to communicate the depth of Intel as a corporation with respect to its competitors as well. To boost the awareness of Intel’s brand name and strong differentiation, the company employed a series promotion campaigns to reinforce the main message of â€Å"Intel Side†aggressively after loss of trademark. Detail of their promotion campaigns are as under: [pic] Intel campaign has successfully introduced the microprocessor to the market and consumers can identify its microprocessor technology. Its success laid the groundwork for moving into next generation. Through repeat impressed promotional message be certain that consumer have Intel technology on the inside. As Intel is the leader and the best microprocessor supplier. In Intel Inside campaign, the company applied â€Å"push†strategy to seek support of the OEMs by encouraging them using Intel microprocessor in manufacturing their product and including the Intel Inside logo in their print ads. Under this strategy, Intel found much infusive reaction from OEMs, created a great awareness of â€Å"Intel Inside†logo and driven positive perception and favorable association towards Intel brand simultaneously. With the help of the program, Intel cut the utter confusion clones bring to the marketplace. In turn, strong brand image and premium status has been built successfully. Moreover, the campaign powerfully in reinforcing on two key associations: â€Å"safety†and â€Å"technology†- whenever and wherever consumers saw the Intel logo and also created a brand image for products that fall under the Intel Side umbrella. At the same time, a â€Å"pull†effect was generated on the consumer and presented a very persuasive argument for OEM to use its product. In turn, it built a remarkable brand value to Intel, the company and its stakeholders as well. This campaign had demolished the negative perception of Intel and well-reposition Intel as a premium brand with promising of â€Å"Safety†and â€Å"Technology†. The new established brand successfully differentiate its product from competitors and help Intel move the market forward into new generations of microprocessor and to leverage its advantage and equity to its new generation of technologies. Frankly, the campaign is worth it since Intel got more than 700 OEMs to signed for the program and induce the first and second tier big OEMs to join co-operation program as well via the â€Å"pull†effect successfully. Consumer research indicated that most viewers of the TV ad remembered the Intel name instead of the product. The Intel, on the other hand, proved much more successful in educating the consumer on the specific product attributes associated with the Intel processor and created a favorable association and positive perception for consumers that they look for Intel inside their PC when making selection. In turn, a synergy effect has been well created for its brand Intel, the company and their customers till today. With the help of the program, Intel’s brand image is indeed associated with power, reliable, affordability, compatibility, technology and experience globally till today. Again, it is an effective campaign which generated lot of awareness for Intel and made the company and its chip program newsworthy in the eyes of the general and business press, and it helps build some creditability and enhancement to the OEMs’ message in the ad as well. Intel is being recognized as the technology leader which has the strongest image on quality, compatibility attributes and became more familiar, popular and delivered a quality message in the world. OEMs benefited from the campaign that their products become a quality product because of Intel chip inside. The Intel brand is one of the top ten known-brands in the world. You can credit these to the Intel Inside program. However, not all the OEMs, especially the first and second tier, were agreed and appreciated with such cooperation program would be greatly affect the penetration of Intel in the market and affect their market share. Moreover, rebate program which offered 30% -50% of rebate to the OEMs customer, incurred heavy cost to execute, caused huge marketing expenses and lower the profit in turn if program fail. Since brand equity can be eroded over time but can be enhanced by marketing actions. We concern huge of expenses has to be spent in marketing on continuous and regular basis for reinforcement of the brand and repeat reminding the customers of the brand. If success, it will create synergies in the brand and return to the company. If fail, on the other hand, it will create a burden to the company. 2. Evaluate the Pentium family of processors. Did Intel make the right decision by extending the name through the Pentium 4 processor? Should the company consider changing the name of the next processor in the Pentium line? Intel planned to introduce the next generation processor, code name â€Å"P5†sometime after the fall of 1992. Given the success of the Intel Inside campaign, it signals any branding strategy developed for the next generation, e. g. P5, would link with the Intel Inside program. In the meanwhile, Intel had leant an experience from Cyrix’s case in March 1992 which had caused a negative influence on its branding strategy. This painful lesson significantly influence Intel management concern the name strategy and as a force driven to review the possibility of altering the chip’s name instead of using 586. Recognized naming process as a major strategic move, Carter took great care by appointed Karen to manage it prudently. Intel conducted extensive search and employee contest for having the right name which is trademarkable and linguistically correct for its 5th generation of microprocessor. Intel developed a series of presentations to keep customers informed of the naming process and product introduction as way of asking for help and understanding before launching but without disclosing the actual name. Intel announced, in October 1992, its fifth generation microprocessor was named â€Å"Pentium†and would begin shipping production version in early 1993. Intel did great job in the naming strategy since â€Å"the name suggest an ingredient and the â€Å"Pent†of Pentium from Greek meaning five, imply the new chip is fifth generation of the family. The â€Å"ium†was added to make the chip sound like a fundamental element. †Absolutely, the name closely linked to Intel in which completely new with some generational concept has been rooted and have a positive association can be worked on global basis. It fully supports Intel’s brand equity till today as well. In addition, Intel conducted a profitable investment in advertising by spending a huge promotion campaign to achieve name recognition as well as acquire high level of awareness and favorable association for the Pentium processor. Intel had rewarded from what it did. In the meantime, the marketing launched a full scale effort to ensure the Pentium name quickly adopted into everyday industry vernacular. Intel’s PR department also phoned all the leading individuals who wrote about the industry to let them know the new name. They sent the author letter correcting the error if they found anyone using â€Å"586†or â€Å"P5†. In return, it was over 90% of press mentions used Pentium instead of â€Å"586†. Moreover, the Pentium processor had been recognized by PC users as a valuable ingredient since then. Intel management understood â€Å"solid position cannot be built on empty promise†. Thus, the company delivery its promise through its strongest product attributes, as under, which highly appeal to the targeted customers and the public as well: i) More than twice as fast as the Intel486 processor; i) With over three million transitors and high MHz offer high speed; iii) Support graphical user interface; iv) Support PC, workstation manufacturers to server and workstation lines; v) Offer power and technology to allow PC manufacturer to head-on address the traditional mini and mainframe market; vi) Made it easier to build the Pentium processor into multi-processor machines vii) The chip would the key to multi-platform, client-server architecture In support of the â€Å"Pentium†, Intel skillfully introduced aggressive â€Å"Technology briefing†campaign to build its brand equity and reinforce its technology leader position, a consumer-styling advertising before available for sale, in the print ad with 4 pages to educate and create demand as well as position the Pentium at the elitist of the market and further reinforce the brand awareness and its powerful features associated with the brand as well. In fact, Intel had made the right decision by extending the name through the Pentium processor. Through this extending, Intel can leverage and transfer its advantages in the valuable brand, in terms of positive perception, favorable association and strong brand equity, to this generation of â€Å"Pentium†. Clearly, it is a main ladder laid for the success of the Pentium. By the way, it created an excellent opportunity for the company moving the Pentium to achieve another climax in the new age. With the experience of i386, Intel also concern the name â€Å"Pentium†and made it protectable legally and by a set of internal and external guidelines from Intel on usage of the name as well. Through skillful extending together with the support of extensive well planned promotion efforts, cautious branding strategy and the huge advertising investment, the premium brand image and position of Intel Pentium has been successfully created and conveyed the positive attributes and preference as well as the favorable association with quality, state-of-art technology, software compatibility and performance which is the OEMs customers wanted to be associated with as well. Obviously, consumer looked for the Intel symbol in making their personal computer selection as a pull effect that adds both intangible (brand equity) and tangible (sales) value to Intel. Furthermore, following the announcement of the Pentium, Intel stopped all the speculation that had surrounded the name since trademark ruling in 1991. Regardless of the numerous debates over Intel’s branding strategy, Intel really did a great job by extending the name and applying the â€Å"branding ingredient†strategy to its new generation of technology. In 1993, Intel had been rated as the third most valuable brand, behind Marlboro and Coco-Cola, with an estimated worth of $17. 8 billion. It signals Intel is being recognized as an undisputed technology leader in which the brand had strongest image on quality and compatibility attributes. Moreover, what they had paid on the promotion now yielding the return through its huge sales of the Pentium chip, which was rising to 640,000 in 1994 from 80,000 in 1993 and further more to 2 million in 1995 and had continuously increased in 1996. It brings a sound return to the company and its stakeholders as well. Given the efforts in building and gaining the brand equity for Pentium, we don’t think it is the right time for Intel to change the name of the next processor in the Pentium line again. Since the customers had just familiar with the name and a favorable perception and association have been well connected the Pentium. Further change will cause confusion to the public within a short period of time. On the other hand, the company might use the number following the name Pentium. For example, Intel may use Pentium I, Pentium II, Pentium III†¦ as a clear indication for the new generation of technology instead of change the name frequently. Beside, staying in Pentium may also take this excellent opportunity to make use of its brand awareness, favorable association and valued brand equity inherent in the name â€Å"Pentium†leverage and transfer to its next generation as well. However, we understand that the innovation and change are necessary and crucial especially in this fast changing high technology and highly competitive world. We have reserved the right to leave the room for that change may happen sometime after few generations so as to better cope with actual changing market arena since there is still room for continue to improve on its branding strategy given surviving in such ever changing world.. 3. Should Intel adopt its Intel Inside campaign for use with its non-PC processor products? What other marketing strategies might the company employ? The Intel Inside program was widely regarded as a success and Intel became a lightning rod for this electronics revolution and paving the way for the computer to become more commonplace in the home and in business. While the Intel Inside Program continues to evolve, it will remain true to its heritage of promoting: â€Å"technology leadership,†â€Å"quality†and â€Å"reliability. †These features will be as important to online users and high-end server buyers today. The brand with an estimated worth of $17. 8 billion and expect to increase in the years to come. Intel recognized that they are in the ever changing global environment and planned to broaden its focus on other non-PC processor products, e. g. fax modems, LAN administration software etc. This is Intel to broaden its product profolio into different categories from its traditional processors and it is a new challenge for the company as well. In fact, the â€Å"Intel Inside†campaign focused solely on the company's microprocessors, such as its popular Pentium line of chips. When Intel broadens its focus to other platforms–not just the microprocessor, the new campaign and new logo is need for better reflecting this change. This will help aligning the brand strategy with its platform strategy. As they evolve as a company, it makes sense to evolve the brand supporting with the new compaign. Thus, retiring the â€Å"Intel Inside†campaign by redesigning a unique marketing program to launch its extension, which may better reflecting its product attributes, might be a wise decision and a drive for the company to leap forward into a new technological age. In the meanwhile, the company can take the leverage advantages heritage from the success of the previous program transferring to these non-pc processor products through the branding extension. Since successful brand extension occurs when the parent brand is seen as having favorable association and there is the perception of fit between parent brand and extension product. Given the favorable, positive and unique associations of the Intel brand to the mind of consumers, we believe the Intel brand name may offer many potential benefits in this extension and it would continue to receive its success as previous as well. This is also an excellent opportunity for the company to identify new and completed different way to use the brand at full potential. However, the success of the new program is highly depending on the marketing efforts, a unique and innovative marketing program as well as with huge investment projected in long term view in the new campaign in order to differentiate from its competitor. Instead of only focusing in microprocessor computer industry, we highly recommend the company should broaden its product range into other potential industry, such as, communication, household appliance industry and entertainment communication etc. and to widen its products in the existing profolio for capturing the potential heritage in the brand for consumer’s choice. Given its leading position in the world, we believe Intel can negotiate with big communication corporations, household appliance companies like Samsung, Sharp, Philips, Panasonic for different profitable co-operation or membership programs. It will be interesting to see if Intel’s strength in the traditional chip sector can translate to the increasing imp ortant mobile field. Intel may partner with first tier of the communication companies, this collaboration could lead to more innovation from the two companies and building products that the two companies can get out ahead of the competition on the emerging segment of mobile and entertainment devices or others etc. The growing importance of the Internet and webpage, E co-operation strategy with the main search engines can be considered to promote its product and its new technology as support to its new campaign to raise its awareness of the new product line. 4. What do you think of Intel’s aggressive expansion away from its core microprocessor business? What recommendations would you make for the future? It is a global trend which creates a pull and push effect for Intel to broaden its focus to entire platforms not just the microprocessor in such highly competitive arena. To continue build up its brand equity, maintaining its leading position and fully utilization of its technological potential and advantages, it is a must for Intel to act in this way respond quickly and deliver a product portfolio that meets the needs of the changing market. It is a long term planning for bring Intel move to other potential business and in more globalize way and stabilize its leader position in this diversification path. In fact, instead of only focusing in microprocessor computer industry, the company now broadens its product range into other industry, such as, communication, household appliance industry and entertainment communication etc. Given its leading position in the world, we believe Intel can negotiate with big communication corporations, household appliance companies like Samsung, Sharp, Philips, Panasonic for different profitable co-operation or membership programs. It will be interesting to see if Intel’s strength in the traditional chip sector can translate to the increasing important broaden field. Intel should boarder its brand name and create sub-brand to allow widen product category development. It should emphasize information about the extension rather than reminder about the Intel Inside brand. To be a house of brand, collecting different high technology product brand name, even if one of the product was not doing well, this would not affect their successful brand image. Most of the improvements come from Asia, such as the increasing present of technology from China corporate present threat to Intel’s global business in certain extent. However, the company reducing its threat and increasing its opportunity by vertical or horizontal integration or acquisition of its competitors or channel members etc. For decades, Intel has developed products, technologies and initiatives for the advancement and betterment of its customers. It has invented groundbreaking creations that truly define the word ‘technology’, and the proof is the Intel logo. Intel’s broadening strategy is also an indication of the company’s mission to ‘drive the next leap ahead – in technology, education, social responsibility, manufacturing and more – to continuously challenge the status quo’. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ CONFIDENTIAL . . . . . .. . . . †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Intel ® Corporation Brand Management . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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